Water Testing

It is recommended by the State of Montana to test your water at least once per year. This is also beneficial to do whenever buying or selling a home.  To learn more visit the DEQ Website.

We use a qualified lab for all water testing purposes.

InspectMT typically performs Stage 1 & Stage 2 testing.

Stage 1 – Tests for Coliform & E. coli bacteria in water.  Recommended for all homes (private well & municipal water supplies).

Stage 2 – Tests include bacteria test in Stage 1 plus we test for arsenic & lead and Nitrates and nitrites (Recommended for properties on private well).

Safe Home Environmental can also provide custom water testing to meet your needs.  Have a question, let us know.

We perform all environmental testing by DEQ guidelines for the most accurate results possible. In this electronic age, it’s relatively fast and painless. Have more questions? Give us a call or email.

secure investment, secure future


Our technical staff holds IAC2 certification for indoor air quality and our senior team members are certified by both DEQ and NRPP for environmental quality and radon proficiency.

What We Test

Water, Radon, Mold, Meth, Asbestos, Lead-Based Paint, and more.


We're here to answer any questions you have about your testing.