Safe Home Environmental Logo


At Safe Home Environmental we take advantage of the best technology available.

Thermal imaging is a technology that helps to show you things about a building that no one can show you using other methods. Thermal imaging produces images of invisible heat energy emitted from objects and systems in the building and allows us to measure it. 

Thermography shot
Thermography shot
Electrical Concerns
Thermography shot
Attack Air Leaks
Thermography shot
Roof Air Leaks
Thermography shot
Water Leaks

Thermal imaging helps to diagnose the problem rather than merely identify symptoms, and can sometimes, but not always, identify and document:

  • electrical faults before they cause a fire;

  • overloaded and undersized circuits;

  • circuit breakers in need of immediate replacement;

  • missing, damaged, and/or wet insulation;

  • heat loss and air infiltration in walls, ceilings, floors, windows, and doors;

  • water and moisture intrusion that could lead to mold;

  • possible pest infestation;

  • hidden roof leaks before they cause serious damage; air-conditioner compressor leaks;

  • under-fastening and/or missing framing members; structural defects;

  • broken seals in double-pane windows;

  • energy loss and efficiency;

  • dangerous flue leaks;

  • damaged and/or malfunctioning radiant heating systems;

  • unknown plumbing leaks;

  • and overheated equipment;


These color images can then be included in the report, providing supporting documentation. A picture is worth a thousand words.


secure investment, secure future


Our technical staff holds IAC2 certification for indoor air quality and our senior team members are certified by both DEQ and NRPP for environmental quality and radon proficiency.

What We Test

Water, Radon, Mold, Meth, Asbestos, Lead-Based Paint, and more.


We're here to answer any questions you have about your testing.