Asbestos Testing



Asbestos can be a problem in your home if you are doing a remodel or if there is asbestos in a material that is deteriorating.  To read more Click here to read more about asbestos from the EPA site.

In most cases, we deal with residential properties that were built prior to the ”50s – 70s that have those popcorn ceilings, certain vinyl tiles, or pipe insulation.

You can read more here:  Asbestos in Popcorn Ceilings

You can read more here:  Asbestos in Floor Tiles

You can read more here:  Asbestos – Where it can be found

Testing for asbestos is done by taking a bulk sample(s) and sending it to the lab for analysis if you suspect asbestos to be an issue.  Safe Home Environmental will take a bulk sample for testing purposes.  We can have results in 7 – 10 days.

All environmental testing by EPA guidelines for the most accurate results possible. Have more questions? Give us a call or email.

secure investment, secure future


Our technical staff holds IAC2 certification for indoor air quality and our senior team members are certified by both DEQ and NRPP for environmental quality and radon proficiency.

What We Test

Water, Radon, Mold, Meth, Asbestos, Lead-Based Paint, and more.


We're here to answer any questions you have about your testing.